I will miss your Earrh Experiences but applaud the self care in letting it go. BTW I have found the newsletter Tangle to be helpful in talking me off the ledge. And I know my Queen Karma will be busy in the next term. ❤️

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Thanks for the newsletter recommendation. I hadn't heard of it before. <3

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I am struggling as well, with each day drawing closer to the inauguration. I read a headline the other day, "Europe braces for a Trump Presidency." I am bracing like I do as I get to the peak of the roller coaster. It will be a ride; we've already bought the ticket and chosen our seats. I'm next to you with white knuckles! God bless us all.

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That headline is terrifying. We have unleashed an unhinged monster and his sycophants on the rest of the world.

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The tape across the room made me giggle. Oh, how I remember riding in the car, and creating those lines of demarcation. 😂 I wouldn't have had it any other way, either growing up. How you choose to show up, is always enough, Katrina. Trust that. I too am really being discerning in what I choose to bring into my nervous system as my adrenal formula has had to be working over time since orange whatever he is appeared. I truly just CAN'T. I try to bring something of value into my corners of the world, and create some kind of meaning making. I refuse to give up four years of my life sweating daily bullets, and I've already had to change my deodorant far too many times. Just sayin' OY! Big hugs of care. XO 💜

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