I love that you shared your beautiful writing with all of us, and congratulations on having the tiny Love Story in the actual newspaper. Thanks to you and Mesa, I am now inspired to try my hand as well at the tiny love story. What a wonderful exercise, to look at all the ways in which we have loved and been loved. Whether or not anything is published, the thinking about and writing of such stories will be healing itself.

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Thank you so much! I'm so happy you are writing your own Tiny Love Stories. You're right--it's so healing to think about all the love in our lives. I wish you all the best and can't wait to read your TLS someday! XO

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Exactly my thoughts, Amy!

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You have definitely got this. You can’t see the forest for the trees at the time… But when you look back, you’ll be able to see the path for survival that you took. Let’s have a glass of wine or a cuppa coffee sometime and talk this over.

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Yes, please! And soon! I would love to have this conversation with you. XO

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I am over the moon with and for you, Katrina. THIS is SO EXCITING! Mesa and others sharing their process and experiences is what it's all about for me as a witness and observer and now here you are doing the same. This is BEAUTIFUL. Loved all the stories and the pictures too. I'd like to be like Sissy too and am working on it. 💜💐

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Thank you so much, Joanie. Sissy is really "goals" for all of us. She's the absolute best. (Except when she guards her food from our sweet girl, Ruby. But I kinda get that, too. I tend to protect my Oreos.) XO

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Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your experience, Katrina... I've thought about maybe, someday, actually going for Tiny Love Stories, but of course, since I'm not a "published" "real" writer, I didn't think I had any agency to do it. I've written many, many stories/essays/poems over many years, have dozens of journals too, but since my "real" profession is as an artist, I never pursued publication. Until Substack. So-- here I am, being inspired by writers lite YOU 💫. And maybe someday I will actually start submitting. p.s. I too am finally working on a memoir (re: betrayal, recovery , self discovery) like so many women here.. I've finally found my tribe 🙏. p.p.s. Next SS essay about that coming soon.....

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Oh, Karen, this makes me so happy!! Art is for everyone, isn't it? (I've always wanted to be a visual artist, but I can't even put a stick figure together!) I hope you write your Tiny Love Story, and I will be first in line to read it. And I can't wait to read more about your memoir, too! XO

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Thank you Katrina! The need to make a creative statement is so primal-- aren't we lucky to have it? I feel sorry for those who don't.

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I remember reading this somewhere recently! May be in the Binders group?! Congratulations on achieving your TLS and thank you for inspiring others.

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Thank you so much! Yes, I shared it on the Binders, so that's probably where you saw it. I appreciate you reaching out! XO

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Thank you for sharing your experience and your submissions. Very encouraging and inspiring to read. Your published piece brought tears to my eyes, but I was moved by all of them. I am so happy to hear that Sissy got her happy ending. She deserves nothing less. You, too.

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Thank you so much, Laura! Your words mean the world to me. And I'm so happy we found Sissy, too. We don't deserve her, but I sure am glad she's here. XO

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I've submitted 2 this year...🦗🦗So I'm super impressed with your success! Brava! ♥️

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So good to talk with you this morning! I'm crossing all my fingers and toes. Your story is meant to be heard. XO

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How wonderful! Your doggedness paid off. I agree that they were all worthy 💛

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Thank you so much, Amy! I guess tenacity is a thing for me. I just keep trying even though I get more nos than yeses. When I was a kid, I used to hold my breath until I passed when I didn't get my way. I guess this is the adult version of that. Ha!

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All three of your stories were moving and special. Congratulations on your recent successes! They are well-deserved. Enjoy! ❤️

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Thank you so much, my friend! XO

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I love ALL of your tiny love stories!!! I'm so so glad you reached out to her and got in!! <3

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Thank you so much for being my inspiration. You have no idea how much I look to your posts and notes as a positive force in this Substack world. You're making such a difference in so many lives, my friend. I'm glad you're in mine. XO

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Katrina, I am so encouraged and inspired to read articles like yours today about your pathway to publication. There's so much generosity and generativity involved in this industry, and that's hopeful for me.

I want to tell you something else: not long ago, you were posting about your doubts, about considering a different direction for your writing, about how you wanted to quit and give up.

I remember at the time thinking, "Oh, I can see so clearly how close Katrina is to her goals!" This was after your HuffPost essay went live. And you were getting requests for a full MS with different agents and editors.

It was just something I felt, because I saw it all unfolding and developing for you. As I witnessed your journey, I thought of how privileged I was to be parallel to you, and to be acquainted with your writing and you as a person.

It's so exciting, and I am not at all surprised that this is happening for you. I'm finishing up week 8 in Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way (my second round reading it), and these synchronous moments are much more obvious to me.

I am grateful for all that you share and grateful to be here with you. I'm happy to support your work, Katrina, both as a writer and as a reader.

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Jeannie, wow. Thank you for seeing me so clearly when it's hard sometimes to see myself. You're right--I was close to throwing in the towel. It's such a long, hard struggle in the world of words at times, as I know you're well aware. But these little wins keep us going, don't they? I don't know what I'd be if I wasn't a writer, so I'm glad a few things fall into place here and there. I'm so grateful you're here and so happy to support your beautiful words as well. XO

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Happy to be on this road with you and to observe your growth and success!

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