I am so vicariously pissed off for you. Unfortunately this exact experience, almost word for word, has happened to so many of my long hauler friends over the past three years. American medicine is indeed broken.

I truly hope the first doc is right and that this is a side effect of the drugs interacting, and not the beginnings of long COVID. If it continues, you might seek out a neuromuscular specialist rather than a straight neurologist. My neurologist suggested as much after she didn’t really have anything more to offer me. I hope you’ll update us if you’re up to it 💛

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Thank you, Amy. I, too, am hoping the first doctor was right. I keep waiting to wake up and feel normal again. Thank you for sharing your experiences, too, to help guide what happens next. I never even knew there were neuromuscular specialists. I think I'm going to learn lots of new things as I travel this new path.

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I didn’t know they existed either until a few months ago! I wish we’d never had to learn about their existence firsthand. How’s the rest of your COVID recovery going?

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I feel like I'm completely recovered... except for this pain. It's just so strange. I'm still struggling with some fatigue, too, but these new meds are probably contributing to that as well.

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My advice would be to proceed very carefully with ramping up any physical activity (or even significant cognitive activity). Rest and sleep when your body tells you to. I think if I had listened to my body’s signals more in the early days after infection, I might not still be dealing with symptoms 3+ years later. Take good care of your flesh vessel! 😊

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Katrina, I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s just part of the reason Paxlovid has become NOT a first line defense....it has so many side effects that are terrible! Many M.D.’s won’t Rx as they feel it harms more then helps -- That’s how F’d up our system is here. The Media has more power than true science!

It just stinks. Basically, without affordable health insurance before age 65 or disability (Medicare) which is a universal healthcare (with few exceptions) people don’t establish

Family practice physician relationships--- these days people often end up seeing ER doctors as primary care--- Not sustainable!

ER=emergency so your emergency needs get met but not the underlying problem--which means follow up with family Doc& a specialist maybe...but not necessarily.. Your FP my want to get a MRI or CT 1st as you’ve Had the spine issues of past. Usually you’ll see your FP or GP for an over all assessment - they’ll decide what specialists need to be brought on broad. The ER Dr did his Job-- relieved your pain to tolerable.

Just need you to know there a thousands of ER’s being used in the wrong manner.

ER’s don’t fix -- they stabilize -- that’s it.

Then you either go in hospital & treatment,home & get follow up care, or you don’t make it out.

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