Al the feels. Thank you. I feel it, too.

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Hugs to you, friend. XOXO

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Thank you for bringing us on this journey - I felt like we were old friends 🤍

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Thank you. That is such a lovely thing to say. I want everyone to know my beautiful family. <3

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Thank you. That is such a lovely thing to say. I want everyone to know my beautiful family. <3

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Yes, no do overs with those that have gone on before us. It’s a prickly place to land. Bloodied and bandaged we keep showing up, sometimes well, other moments a huge, red hot mess. You continue to show up, Katrina, and perhaps some of what you wish you could say now, have a do over, YOU are with us. May your loves both earth side and beyond catch your whispers, tears, longings and laments. However, that works… Gentle and loving care during a tender season. My hand in yours. 🍁🍂🧡

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Joanie, why do your words always feel like such a warm hug? Thank you for showing up for me, for walking with me, for offering your hand. It means the world. XOXO

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The love for your family - and from your family - is simply dripping off the page. I don't think that ever disappears.

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Thank you so much, Elizabeth. <3

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Thank you for adding to the sustenance of my morning Substack exploration. Your words touch me, and I am grateful for your vulnerability. More, please.

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Thank you so much for those kind words, Wendy. I hope I can provide many more touching pieces for you. <3

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Beautiful piece.

As humans, we often look back and tell ourselves we’d “have done it differently.” The truth is, we make the best decisions we can with the information we have at the time. At the time, we didn’t have the information we have looking back. Regret is an intellectual concept. We think it would have been “better if.” But, we don’t know that.

I encountered this quote years ago, and it is the absolute truth:

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

- Søren Kierkegaard

Sending love and support to you, Katrina.

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Thank you, Paula. It's useless, I know, to live with regrets, but it's also nearly impossible not to. I do love that Kierkegaard quote, though. It contains a universe of truth in so few words. Thank you for your love and support. I feel it. <3

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No do-overs hits hard. {{Hugs}}

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So hard. So many things left unsaid. <3

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