For starters, I feel the same way as a newbie Substacker. It’s beautiful and frustrating all at once. I can’t crack the code in Notes. And then a 19yo drops a Note saying she’s new here and she gets 92 likes in an hour. WTF??
I (actually) laughed out loud at the Debbie part 🤣🤣. I’d apologize for laughing at your expense, except long COVID brain fog is exactly as you described yours, and I’m constantly like “you know - the thing over there that turns over the eggs!” (My husband: “uhh, the spatula?”).
I’ll be restacking this, for what it’s worth since the cool kids don’t seem to see or care about my Notes. Now I just have to decide on the brilliant nutty thing to quote in here 😂
Spatulas are hard. It’s just a hard word. Why aren’t they called egg flippers? We’re gonna find our people. I just know it. I mean, we found each other, right? That’s a great start. ❤️
ALL 👏🏻 OF 👏🏻 THIS 👏🏻
For starters, I feel the same way as a newbie Substacker. It’s beautiful and frustrating all at once. I can’t crack the code in Notes. And then a 19yo drops a Note saying she’s new here and she gets 92 likes in an hour. WTF??
I (actually) laughed out loud at the Debbie part 🤣🤣. I’d apologize for laughing at your expense, except long COVID brain fog is exactly as you described yours, and I’m constantly like “you know - the thing over there that turns over the eggs!” (My husband: “uhh, the spatula?”).
I’ll be restacking this, for what it’s worth since the cool kids don’t seem to see or care about my Notes. Now I just have to decide on the brilliant nutty thing to quote in here 😂
Spatulas are hard. It’s just a hard word. Why aren’t they called egg flippers? We’re gonna find our people. I just know it. I mean, we found each other, right? That’s a great start. ❤️
I love this so much! I'd elect you prom queen any day, Gabi! I love your writing! Keep them coming!
<3 <3 <3