Mar 2Liked by Katrina Anne Willis

Love this so much! That newspaper pic of you - priceless. And Ranger Rick! What a thoughtful dedication ☺️. And your John Fogerty reference immediately had me singing.

I was a high school and college athlete. I played volleyball for 32 years, pretty competitively too, right up until weeks before lockdown. Haven’t been able to play since. I was the opposite of you - great at offense, not so great at defense 😂

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Mar 2Liked by Katrina Anne Willis

Katrina, my heart warmed when I scrolled to the image of your first book.

I wrote mine around that age, too.

At age 10, I entered the young authors' conference with my friend (and co-author) Kristine. Our book was titled, The House on Haunted Hill, a mystery.

From that point onward, my dream was to become a published author.

The thing is, I am a published author. But I'm still unsatisfied with the level of "success" I've attained. I needed to go to the next step, and, like you, I'm trying.

It's arduous. But I think if you love anything, the pain is worth the effort necessary.

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Mar 19Liked by Katrina Anne Willis

What precious keepsakes you have. The fact that you are still in the game, still writing, means you are winning.

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