You are correct on all counts. Today (11.07.24) I told my granddaughter that I feared for her future as well as that of her 3 year old daughter and her sister, and her sister's 1 year old twin daughters; not to even mention the older siblings and step siblings (1 more preteen girl) of those three. I also mentioned that undoubtedly many of my relatives from my parents' generation most likely applauded the Tulsa Massacre as they lived close by in the homeland of Jim Crow Oklahoma. This population has never repudiated that small scale genocide and every other one like it; because people who look whyte like me don't care for anything except power over others..starting with most of our beloved "Founding Fathers" who owned, abused, and raped enslaved Blacks. There are no "better angels" to be had.

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My heart is broken too. I’m dejected and disgusted. I’m so disappointed in the people of this county.

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Having him elected is terrifying, yes, but just as bad for me is devastating realization that the majority of the people in this country are just...not good people. This is not Democrat vs Republican, this is not differing on policy; this is most people being 100% fine with a rapist and sexual predator in the oval office. Someone who tried to overturn the last election with a violent coup. Someone who is a bully and an autocrat, but also old and declining. It's so mind-boggling that most people are just A-okay with all that. I thought the record numbers of people voting was a great sign, that there was no way he would win. Can't believe how wrong I was about the decency of my fellow Americans.

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I just want to reach out to all the people in the U.S. shattered by the situation, to reassure them that 1) yes that is the correct response.

2) I have a couch in a small city in South Wales available should you need it.

3) While being mindful of your own personal safety do not obey in advance. Do not shine less brightly out of fear it will offend the new regime. Fascism appeals to the lazy and the stupid, they lack the will for long term campaigns. Most of the power authoritarians gather is freely given - so do not modulate yourself to fit in, do not become your own police state.

There will still be places where you are valued, and where you can shine. Treasure these places, and don’t feel bad about needing to retreat to these spaces sometimes to recharge. I block anti LGTB+ comments on sight (sorry not sorry, LGTB+ humanity is not debatable) so hopefully this includes Substack.

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Love you. You are welcome to seek refuge here. Take tender care of your own 💛being. Thank you for your voice and art.

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When I was younger, I was an attractive, young, white woman who basked in privilege. I thought I deserved it. Somehow I thought I earned it. My ex-husband - I heard recently from a mutual acquaintance, at a funeral - is a huge MAGA guy. Back then, I was the kind of girl those guys want - dumb, pliable, eager to please. Now, I'm a middle-aged disabled woman, and the same people who used to smile at my pretty face scowl at my handicapped parking space. It's eye opening.

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I’m in solidarity with you, friend. Always always. Please be gentle with you. I know it’s hard when all we feel is rage, but we are on the right side of this —and we aren’t alone. Sending big queer love ❤️

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I love you. That’s all I got. We’re all less safe, and so all we’ve got is each other. If you need refuge please know my home is yours 🩵

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This monster has made me ashamed to be an American !!

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Thank you for putting into words what my red, hot rage cannot. {{Hugs}} in solidarity.

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I am sick at heart. Trying to plan for an uncertain future. We count on Social Security. Honestly I don’t know what will happen to us all.

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Grateful to you for so aptly putting into words what I have been struggling to reconcile. I especially appreciated what you said about not uniting with fascists. We cannot abandon our morals and integrity just because the majority of voters have.

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My heart 💔hears yours. Holding onto rickety hope as our dear Kate expressed today. Loving care dear Katrina, and to all who land here.

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Make America Great Again. Women aren't meant to run the country. Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. Kamaltoe Harris only got where she did by being a political whore. Have a nice day.

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Good to feel your rage

Even tough you did not consent to any of it

I love you

American what?


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